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I am a recent mom of two and being a mom has evolved how I see my own mother. I always understood that she took care of us...but through my childhood eyes, I was so much easier to raise. Right? Now I know the answer to that is, "no". You never truly know until you get into it yourself. It really takes a village! 

Sadly, I moved away from my village. To another state! Having the first child was a life change, but definitely do-able. The second? Whole new ball game and I felt like I needed my village as much as I need air. 


The older one is a black hole of various needs and desires. All of which she tries to gain with whining, screaming, crying and any other trick she can imagine up. The second is completely dependent for everything...even to fall asleep!


Luckily for me, despite the distance from my village. My village picked up their lives and moved in with me AND my extended village is fully supportive and loving. Spoiled, I know! 

Fortunate, and unfortunately, COVID hit and that kept us all at home together...all the time! While confined at home, my mom took over the cooking for the household. At this point, I had been removed from my mom and her cooking for maybe 8+ years. The luxury to experience her food all over again reminded me how much I love her food! 

Her food brought back feelings of home, love, comfort as do most of the food each of us grew up on. Complete blissful nostalgia! I want to capture that feeling in a bottle and keep it with me forever. 

This blog is my journey to document my mom's food and other mothers in my life. Documenting it for me, for my children and to share what I've been fortunate to have in my life with you while doing it!

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