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Cantonese style salt and pepper rub...

Updated: Jun 8, 2021

Anything homemade by my mother is already amazing, but I always felt this was one of my favorites growing up. My mom would sprinkle this over a dish and I would always go back and add a few more dashes of this amazing mix. This practice proves that it is hard to mess up; add a little or a seems to have a wide margin of error!

In addition, it is so easy to make! Make it ahead of time and store it in a cool dry place. My mom always re-used empty spice containers to store her homemade mixes. Frugal ,but I'd like to say she was environmentally conscious before it was more mainstream!

So if you're in need of a quick punch of flavor, I'd recommend this! You literally cook whatever protein you're making and sprinkle this over top to finish it off. This is exactly the type of recipe that is in my rotation as a mom of two young children. I wish I could say that I had time to slave over a delicious meal every night, but my reality at this time only offers maybe 30 minutes of interrupted time to whip up sustenance for my family.

Have I sold you on it? Try it and tell me what you think!



1 Tbsp. salt

1 tsp 5 spice powder

1 tsp ginger powder

1 tsp white pepper ½ tsp sugar

NOTE: Scale up to make ahead and store this mix!


o Mix together salt, 5 spice powder, ginger powder and white pepper together

o Put over medium heat until fragrant

o Let it cool down

o Add in the sugar

o Store in cool dry place

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